As a gamer (and also in real life) we have certain expectations that we wish to have fulfilled. Some do come true, but more often than not things come up just a bit short. In the case of video games, your hard earned money is the difference between an awesome game getting a sequel (i.e. Demon Souls or Uncharted) or terrible game getting a sequel. While not all games fall under the latter, they generally granted as disappointing or underachieving. The games that follow are some that I was generally disappointed in (or in some case didn't see what the hype was about the game).
Metal Gear Solid 4

I was very hyped about this game. It's a very good game (in fact it this game forced me to get my PS3 repaired.) I even gave MGS4 the distinction of my PS3 game of the year (if I had the internet and my PS3 working during the Christmas holiday). The thing that made me angry about MGS4 was the way Kojima tried to cram EVERYTHING Metal Gear related into the game. Some things it worked for others, ehh not some much. Without ruining the game, this is for MGS fans only (and I'm an MGS fan) and I could have done a better job writing the script (but that's why I make opinions and not write stories). MGS4, FAIL (even though I bought the Collector's Edition and still enjoy the game, the story fails)!!!
Assassin's Creed

By far the biggest disappointment (or second biggest depending on who you ask) for this console generation. AC had the team of the Prince of Persia trilogy behind this game (which got my attention). Second, many people fell under the spell of Jade Raymond (yours truly was not, despite the fact that gamer girls are hawt) and I wasn't buying what she was selling. Third, the premise behind the story, *****SPOILER******
The main character is an ancestor of the character you're playing as
******END SPOILER*********
Combat was pretty crappy (and you'd think Ubisoft would have ironed out the kinks in PoP's combat system), because once you got the counter the game was broken. Sure scaling buildings in 1300s was fine the first three time you do it, but each time before you could begin a mission (I stuck with it, but it felt forced). The A.I. was stupid, finding flags was pointless, and if I ever see a leper or a beggar again I'm stabbing them to death with the hidden blade. Ubisoft got my money (at $30) and now they've got a sequel. I won't be buying it, even if it gets great reviews, because of the sour taste AC1 gave me. Assassin's Creed, FAIL!!!
The main character is an ancestor of the character you're playing as
******END SPOILER*********
Combat was pretty crappy (and you'd think Ubisoft would have ironed out the kinks in PoP's combat system), because once you got the counter the game was broken. Sure scaling buildings in 1300s was fine the first three time you do it, but each time before you could begin a mission (I stuck with it, but it felt forced). The A.I. was stupid, finding flags was pointless, and if I ever see a leper or a beggar again I'm stabbing them to death with the hidden blade. Ubisoft got my money (at $30) and now they've got a sequel. I won't be buying it, even if it gets great reviews, because of the sour taste AC1 gave me. Assassin's Creed, FAIL!!!
Grand Theft Auto 4

The hype surround GTA4 was about as much as MGS4 (maybe depending on which game you preferred). Sure the game is realistic, characters have morality, and you can drunk drive (which I don't condone) something about GTA4 felt hollow. The game looks awesome and everything (and I mean everything) respects physics (even Niko Bellic), but it was more of the been there done that approach. Meaning if you've played a GTA game before then you pretty much know what to expect.
Sure, GTA4 has it's moments (and every game has it's WOW factor moments), but San Andreas was way better than 4 (because of you could make Carl Johnson, protagonist of San Andreas, whatever you like). I've been putting off finishing GTA4 because of the trophies (and I don't plan on starting over anytime soon). GTA4 got tens across the board when in reality, it's not even 9.5 territory, more like 8.8 to 9.3 territory. GTA4, FAIL!!!
Guitar Hero World Tour

After Guitar Hero 3 (I'm not counting Aerosmith because it was a cash-grab), many people complained that GH3 was hard and frustration (which was/still is true). The moment World Tour was announced, people said that GH was copying Rock Band (which is true as well). Rock Band was fun and challenging, GH:WT was an exercise in boredom. A few songs were awesome to play (anything by Muse, Ozzy, heck even No Sleep til Brooklyn was tight), but with games like this you're bound to have a clunker (or ten). Add the fact the drums weren't build well (however if you're one of the lucky ones to get a working drum kit, it rocks), some of the note charts were off, and Rock Band was way better. All major retailers not having Rock Band in stores on Christmas Eve and Guitar Hero World Tour, FAIL!!! Guitar Hero Metallica was great and I'm still not sold on 5 (even though I need a new guitar controller).

After Guitar Hero 3 (I'm not counting Aerosmith because it was a cash-grab), many people complained that GH3 was hard and frustration (which was/still is true). The moment World Tour was announced, people said that GH was copying Rock Band (which is true as well). Rock Band was fun and challenging, GH:WT was an exercise in boredom. A few songs were awesome to play (anything by Muse, Ozzy, heck even No Sleep til Brooklyn was tight), but with games like this you're bound to have a clunker (or ten). Add the fact the drums weren't build well (however if you're one of the lucky ones to get a working drum kit, it rocks), some of the note charts were off, and Rock Band was way better. All major retailers not having Rock Band in stores on Christmas Eve and Guitar Hero World Tour, FAIL!!! Guitar Hero Metallica was great and I'm still not sold on 5 (even though I need a new guitar controller).
Next-Gen Madden

The moment when Madden was announced on next-gen, many people were thinking that the gameplay from the PS2-era of Madden would make the leap forward. Sadly that was not the case. Every year Madden is getting to be progressively worst. Maybe something to do with lack of competition, whatever the case is Next-Gen Madden, FAIL!!!
That's part one stay posted on part two with even more FAIL!!!

The moment when Madden was announced on next-gen, many people were thinking that the gameplay from the PS2-era of Madden would make the leap forward. Sadly that was not the case. Every year Madden is getting to be progressively worst. Maybe something to do with lack of competition, whatever the case is Next-Gen Madden, FAIL!!!
That's part one stay posted on part two with even more FAIL!!!
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