Saturday, August 7, 2010

Games I'm Looking Forward to Sept - Dec

It's me again. This time with some bad news, I got YLOD AGAIN. But at least this time I'm not alone. As I'm typing my clan leader D. Clownz, McCoy, and Jango got hit with YLOD doing what we do best and that's gaming. Don't know when I'll be back probably sometime before September (maybe even October, if I decide to send the PS3 back to Sony.) But in the meantime, I got a small list of games that I'm looking forward to starting from September and ending at December. If there's any other games coming out by then, I will keep all of you posted.

September Games

(IF Sony doesn't send back my UFC 2010 I may have to push a game or two back until next year and I rebuy Rock Band 1 for all my DLC). There's only one game that I'm REALLY looking forward to and that's Dead Rising 2.

I didn't play the original Dead Rising (mostly because it was an exclusive 360 title). However with DR2 coming to PS3, I'll get to slay zombies, something that Resident Evil 5 didn't offer. You can create your own weapons from the hundreds of options available to you. Don't be surprised to see me, D.Clownz, and McCoy playing this ALOT!!!

October Games

Outside of Medal of Honor, which I must get because of Clan Rules, the only game that I'm looking forward to is Rock Band 3. As many of you know, I love playing plastic guitar, but this time everything is gonna be realistic. Real guitars, drums, and a freakin keyboard. YES A KEYBOARD!!! Add vocal harmonies from Green Day and the Beatles Rock Band, plus ALL your songs are exportable to RB3 and I can imagine people having a ROCKING time.

November Games

There is ONLY ONE GAME that requires 100% focus to and that's Gran Turismo 5. Add Ferrari's, realistic car damage (FINALLY!!!) and maybe some of the most intense endurance races that will probably YLOD a PS3. Expect me to play this game until I platinum it.

December Games

Hopefully, by December I'll be a level 50 on Bad Company 2 because clan is coming back to wreck havoc in Vietnam. Details about it have been few, but we're looking at a winter release date. So that could be anytime from November to January (or maybe February.) EVERYONE is amped for this expansion and are trying to figure out what DICE has up their sleeves. Whatever they have, it's gonna be fun.

This is primarily what I'm looking forward to. I forgot about NBA 2K11, but I'll get that for Christmas. Kennedy Out and remember: The YLOD means you're a prisoner of war.

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