Saturday, July 17, 2010

Metal Gear Solid 3's Influence

Dang, it's been over three months since I've blogged and there's been some good reasons why I haven't. Mainly, I'm playing BC2 with my clan -UGL- and I haven't had any ideas until today. This topic is a game from the last console generation that I enjoyed and probably will play today which is Metal Gear Solid 3.

If you've never played any Metal Gear games, I suggest that you download from the PlayStation Store the original Metal Gear Solid. Many people will tell you that MGS1 is one of the best games to ever be released. Normally, I'd post a photo of the game in question, but I'm lazy and listening to Chris Rock's Never Scared.

MGS3 had the most straightforward (at least for MGS games) stories that people could follow. In typical MGS fashion there's twists and turns and things that you don't expect (if you've never played a MGS game). This blog is somewhat spoilerish, but I'll try to keep when exactly in the game you meet certain characters and plot devices to a minimum.


A gamer can complete Metal Gear Solid 3 in various ways. For instance, should you want to run and gun, you can do that (well in 4 you can because there's a little consequence should you do that). The first playthrough you can do whatever you want, but afterward try to play it using stealth. While MGS3 isn't completely a sandbox style game (i.e. any game that allows you to do what you want when you want ala Grand Theft Auto), but you have some unique tricks in your disposal. Any animal that you catch and be used on a enemy and causes some side effect to them.

Another thing that you can do is destroy guard shacks to prevent from chasing you down and also if you're caught reinforcements may not arrive. One other thing in MGS3 that you can do is skip an entire boss fight, if you so choose to.


In most games, the cinematics don't allow for any zooming in or out of the character models. This was present in MGS2, but not to the degree that 3 did. During the game, Naked Snake gets various injuries, that you can cure manually, not playing the game for a few days, or by not treating them at all. This fits into the jungle vibe that MGS3 has. The more serious the injury the less life you can regenerate from your stamina bar. MGS3 has regenerative health recovery, but not like Halo, Gears of War, and Uncharted. Instead, any damage that you take, you can hide in a place and in 10 minutes, maybe less, you'll be back to full health. Back to the original point I was trying to make. You are able to see the game from Snake's point of view, during select cutscenes, especially toward the end of MGS3. During various cutscenes, there will be a prompt for you to press the L1 (I think that was the button, haven't played it years) and you're able to see what Snake sees, good, bad, or ugly.

The two other gameplay elements that should be used in more games is a backpack and secret items. The backpack holds items that you don't use. The more heavier items you equip the faster your stamina depletes. This is true on higher difficulties where supplies are limited. All items that you collect throughout the game are located in the backpack and can be used only if they're equipped. For instance, if you wish to use the M60, by all means, but you need to equip it to use it. MGS4 has this same exact mechanic so nothing has changed.

The secret items (aka Kerotan frogs) are something like the treasures from Uncharted and the skulls from Halo. While Uncharted's were for show, Halo's altered gameplay. Each time a frog is shot, it makes a sound which can be used to distract guards, also to let the game know you've collected that frog. When all 64 are shot, you gain a secret weapon that helps you through the game, but your rank is severely punished for using that item. You can also collect all the animals in the game and use them as bait for your enemies. Especially, if you wait a few days and blow their supply shacks.


All good video games have characters that leave their mark on you. Whether it's Mario, Link, Samus, or Master Chief, MGS3 holds true to that as well. MGS3 has quite the cast, but the person who steals the show is the Major of the Ocelot Army. Every time he appears something bad ends up happening. Again, I can't reveal who his parents are, but both of them helped Snake during his mission.

This influence is sorta short, because of the potential spoilers so I'll leave it at that. Finally the last influence.


Multiplayer was commonplace for PC gamers for the better part of 10 years. Xbox Live and Halo took it to another level. The rerelease of MGS3 was entitled Subsistence and had a bunch of goodies. First, the remastering of Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake for audiences who never played the 'original' versions of either title. MG1 was released in the United States, but it was gimped. If you've played both versions on MG1, you can tell the difference. MG2 on the other hand never saw release into the North American market, as the MSX was not as popular here was it was abroad. Diehard MGS fans want to see MG1 and 2 remade on PS3 or whatever next-gen console is coming out.

Back to the multiplayer aspect, it was unheard of for a release of a game to have a multiplayer built around the core game. This is something I commend Kojima Productions in doing. The MP is 100% Metal Gear and it was fun. However MGO, the game bundled with MGS4, wasn't that good. It needed more polish and plus I only played it one. I don't feel like reinstalling MGS4 and I don't remember my password or username for Konami's webpage.

Hopefully you've enjoyed my take on the influence of MGS3 on the gaming world, wish this could have been more carefully crafted, but when there's no paper or pencil around, ideas tend to fly around and you forget what you wanted to type. Kennedy out and remember, It wasn't my fault!!!