Saturday, January 23, 2010

The Fall, Rise, Fall, and Rise of the PS3

Hello gamers, I couldn't think of a good title for this blog topic. As you can tell, I've been thinking about the future of the PS3 and what it could possibly mean for those who own the PS3. Originally, I wrote this topic on a blog on gametrailers(dot)com, and I decided since another major game is around the corner to revise this blog. If you wish to read my earlier post about this go to gametrailers and search "36PSWii".

But before I begin the actual topic, I've got two things I wanna share. First, since I didn't write about the keys to victory for the NFL Divisional Games, I'll give you predictions of who's going to the Super Bowl. Two games were played on Madden NFL 10, and the first game (Vikings/ Saints) was a high scoring game. Vikings 48 - Saints 45 in overtime. The second game Colts and Jets was a blowout; Colts 38 - Jets 10. Vikings and Colts are in the Super Bowl and the week before I'll simulate the final score and post it either in my comment and/or my blog.

Second, I've got an issue with friends deleting me off their PSN account. I had this happen when I was gone off PSN for a year and a half. That I didn't mind, because I wasn't online and I had no way to tell people not to get rid of me. The issue that I have is people that I add delete me with no warning. Typically, if I delete you off my friends list you're either not online for a year or you've done something I didn't like (and I'm a pretty hard person to piss off). I shouldn't get too emotionally attached to something like this but that's my two cents.

The Fall, Rise, Fall, and Rise of the PS3

The PS3 has been out for about 3 years (technically this is going into the third year, but I digress) and it seems as it's been out for 10. At the beginning of the PS3 lifecycle, Sony fanboys (myself included) defended the system from bogus claims and valid claims such as no games, copying Xbox Live, and it was too expensive. All of which is true, and it seems as though some decisions Sony has made increased the number of gamers who purchased a PS3, but also it had at one point divided the Sony base (the one's who bought the system for $499 and $599 respectively). With great games all has been forgiven, such as the Uncharted franchise and Ratchet and Clank, and at least two more great games are around the corner such as Heavy Rain and God of War 3. This history lesson can show companies what mistakes not to make. The mistakes Sony has made, there are also some successes that were made. The next six months are going to be great for PS3 owners or they could be a failure depending on the decisions the Sony execs make.

The E3 Fiasco

Arguably the most infamous thing Sony prior to 2007 was famous for. If you never seen the fiasco, I've got a brief youtube video on this link. I watched it live and thought it was okay at best. Everyone was eager to find out what exactly the PS3 was "capable" of doing. Of course, tech demos of MGS4 and the infamous Killzone 2 trailer were shown, but games such as Genji had promise (too bad it failed for anyone to remember it), and I can't forget about Heavenly Sword a.k.a. the Goddess of War (that's what some people called it).

The two things many people complained about (back in 2006) was the price of the PS3 and how many versions of it were planned on being released. As many people know, the PS3 was originally released in two forms, the 20 gig and 60 gig version at the price of $499 and $599 respectively. Sony figured since Microsoft could get away with making multiple consoles, they could also. The one thing I give Microsoft credit about the first Xbox and Sony for the PS3 is the mandatory hard drive. After the E3 presser (press conference), people were questioning Sony's audacity to release a console for 600 bucks. At that time many people started to dig Sony's grave and rushed to the 360.

System Launch

The PS3 was launched in Japan November 11, 2006 and North America was released on the 17th. There were reports of people getting shot and injured (someone may have been killed, my memory's on that are a bit fuzzy, but I think someone was). People on EBay were charging upwards of $10,000 for one, and I was trying to get money just to buy one (for $600 of course). During my Christmas vacation from college, I ran across one at a Wal-Mart two days before New Year's and another one at Wal-Mart in my area. Me and my homeboy were going back to school and we stopped at our Wal-Mart to pick up a few items that we needed. The night before I picked up Twilight Princess on the Gamecube and started playing it. The next day, January 7, 2007, I finally had the money to buy a PS3, and to my surprise Wal-Mart had one. I didn't notice the night before if there were any.

I was a happy man to finally get a PS3, but there was one problem, there were no games out that interested me. In the beginning of 07, I wasn't an FPS fan, so Resistance: Fall of Man was out of the picture. Instead, I bought Madden NFL 07 and NBA 2K7. A few days later, I bought Fight Night Round 3 and Ridge Racer 7.

During the PS3's infancy, the things you can do on it now, such as internet browsing, watching downloaded videos from PSN or on your thumb drive, media servers, in-game cross media bar, and whatever else we can do now, wasn't even possible on PS3. Another thing the PS3 had a big problem was updates. It seems as if there was a system update EVERY DAY and these were mandatory and if you didn't do it, you could play your game. There's a list of other things you couldn't do, but I don't want to waste time remembering it. PSN itself was bare-bones. Of course you could download demos, but it's not how it is now. Some demos are rare, if you didn't download them from PSN when the PS3 came out, you would never see them again. Gran Turismo HD Demo is the perfect example of this.

The only bright side to having a first generation PS3 was that you could play ALL of your PS2 and PS1 games, so that made up for the lack of games. It wasn't until November 2007, that 'Uncharted' waters became a little clearer.

An Uncharted Future

Naughty Dog, the creators of Crash Bandicoot and the Jak and Daxter games, hinted they were going to make a realistic looking game for their first PS3 game. It was called Uncharted (with no Drake's Fortune subtitle). Back in 2005, when I first read about it in Game Informer, I thought to myself, there's no way this game is going to be any good. Slowly, my homie Rambeaux (who at the time didn't have a PS3), was talking the game up and I was leaning on the fence about it. It wasn't until the demo of Drake's Fortune was released back in the first week of November 07, a few weeks before it's retail release. I downloaded it and immediately I was hooked. The graphics were stunning and made me proud to say I was a PS3 owner. I got the game during Christmas and spent time beating the game and trying to find all the treasures.

Before Uncharted, the PS3 didn't have many games specially made for it (Yes I'm aware of Heavenly Sword, Lair, and Ninja Gaiden Sigma). Insomniac Games the month before released Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction, Activision released Guitar Hero 3, and EA had Rock Band. Activision also released a little title called Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, that changed the landscape of gaming both online and offline. The online part of CoD4 was addicting and that's where I made a few friends and joined a clan.

During the first half of 2008, the PS3 was getting stronger by the day. Folding at home was released so PS3 owners could help to find a cure for cancer. Playstation Home was still in the closed beta stages and just about everyone was looking forward to it. Some game called MGS4 was coming out in June and it had it's own console bundle. The 80 gig PS3 was getting phased out and the 40 gig would be the 'NEW' standard. I also can't forget about GTA4.

*Quick Comment*As a first-gen PS3 owner, I was okay with the 80 gig system. It at least had backwards compatibility. The biggest mistake Sony made was getting rid of BC. As you can see on PSN, they have PS1 classics and there are some rumors that Sega said that PSN might have PS2 classic games. Add to the fact, the God of War Collection was released and many people want the MGS franchise rereleased as a PS3 title. Some friends of mine had this debate years ago, and I'm still hearing people wishing PS3 had BC. *End Quick Comment*

After July 31, I had no access to the internet to tell my PSN friends not to delete me. I assumed that the wireless connection that I was 'borrowing' would be back on an unfortunately it wasn't. Before I left PSN, I downloaded 2.40 and read that a lot of people (probably 10,000 people) had their consoles bricked. Lucky for me, mine didn't brick, but what I didn't see was the 'death' of my PS3.

A few days before Christmas, I was playing MGS4 and my system got hot and shutdown. At the time I knew my PS3 would get hot (as all phat before the 40 gig was released would). I didn't let my system completely cool off and jumped right back on it. 2 minutes later, the fans completely shut off and the system powered off FOR GOOD. I died inside, but at least I got MGS4 from my dead system. This wouldn't be the last time a PS3 of mine would shutdown.

'Uncharted' Waters Again?!

During the Christmas holidays I went back to the PS2 (phat) and played games that I didn't have time to start playing, such as Indigo Prophecy. Since Heavy Rain could be considered a spiritual successor of IP, I suggest those who want to get a feel of how HR is might be like pick up IP from Amazon(dot)com. Brand new it's 109 dollars, but a used copy will cost you $10. Also during my PS2 frame of mind, I bought Guitar Hero World Tour (instead of getting my PS3 fixed) and MLB 09: The Show. With my birthday coming up and my PS2 probably on it's last legs, I decided now was the time to get it fixed.

I went through Sony's online Customer Service and placed an order for my coffin. My original receipt had water damage to it, so I did my best to handwrite the information that couldn't be seen. I thought that I wouldn't be getting a PS3 back, but Sony loves money. After a week or so later, I got my current PS3, 60 gig backwards compatible. A part of me, still wishes it was my original, but I can't complain. I also kept my limited warranty just in case this one dies on me and I can get it fixed (I still also have my receipt as well).

I finally got back online August 09 and I noticed that most of my friend's list has vanished. A few people kept me on. To make up for lost time, I downloaded demos of games that I missed to see if I really wanted to buy them or not. One game that impressed me was Batman: Arkham Asylum. The demo of Uncharted 2's multiplayer came out as well and I encouraged most of my friend's list to download it. I bought UC2 and had a blast playing it (I still have a blast playing it). Trophies and Home were finally implemented (even though trophies were around since the 2.40 update).

Fast Forward to Now and the Future

Now, with the PS3 looking more stronger, there's a few things that we need to keep an eye on. One in particular is the premium PSN that could be coming by E3. It's going to be something similar to Qore, you'll get access to betas, videos, and other extra stuff that the free accounts won't get (until a little later). I think could be a good thing, but I'll have to do more research about it when it's announced.

Second, the motion controller. It's going to be a gimmick, just like Sixaxis control. I'll keep an eye on it, but I won't buy one.

Finally, the games. After the initial drought of games that PS3 had early on, now there's too many games to buy. I personally want Demon Souls, God of War 3, Battlefield: Bad Company 2, and whatever PS1 classics may come out.

This blog ended up being a little longer than I expected, but when you've got a lot to talk about, your mind goes in different directions. I hope you enjoyed reading it, as much as I typed it.

Monday, January 11, 2010

NFL Playoffs Plus Random Gaming Info

What's up world!! After writing that long blog, I needed to recharge the juices (and find some more topics to blog about). I figured the NFL playoffs would be a great place to start, but before that two topics that caught my eye over the last few days that I wanna give my two cents about.

Gilbert Arenas

Agent Zero, as I like to call him, did by far one of the stupidest things in the history of sports. Here's a link to what he did. As a basketball fan, Gilbert is among the best at scoring and cracking a joke or two. This was a joke that went too far. He claimed that he was trying to get his guns away from his kids. However he brought the guns to work (the arena) and D.C. gun laws say that you can't own a firearm. Mr. Arenas is probably gonna get jail time and his contract revoked. No NBA team would want to deal with the headache Gilbert causes and I think his career is effectively over.

Harry Reid, U.S. Senator

I have the utmost respect for Senate Majority leader Reid. I don't like how the Senate Health Care bill has shaped up (I think the House version is better because of the Public Option. I truly believe that true reform is with a single payer system). Despite that, Leader Reid made some questionable remarks about Candidate Barack Obama. I give him a pass because of all the things he's done as a member of the Senate. His choice of words could have been better, but I understood what he was trying to convey.

NFL Playoffs: Wild Card Round

I was watching most of the playoff games this weekend at my moms. The Jets/Bengals game was lackluster. Cincinnati hasn't been the same ever since Chris Henry died. I didn't expect them to show up, especially what happened to them the week before. The Jets shutout the Bengals last week and Saturday proved what I already knew, the Jets are scary hot.

Though they're not as hot as the Dallas Cowboys. After 13 years of losing playoff games, they've finally won a game. I'm happy for Jerry [Jones], Tony [Romo], and Wade [Phillips]. IF there's one team that scares me the most in a one game situation it's the Cowboys. Defensively, they are among the league leaders in defensive categories. The offense can hit a big play in a blink of an eye, and if Romo can be mistake free, they could represent the NFC in the Super Bowl.

The shocker of the weekend was the Ravens destroying the Patriots. I was on my PS3 checking to see if it was working right, more on that in a bit, and I saw the score was 14-0. I stopped what I was doing to watch the Ravens defense harass the Patriots in all three phases of football; Offense, Defense, and Special Teams. I think the Patriots dynasty is over, though I think they will at least win their division next season.

The best game of the weekend, even though I fell asleep during it, was the Cardinals/Packers. It had the makings of a blow out while I was watching it for 3 quarters. I headed back to my room to take a nap and the next thing I knew the score 51-45 in overtime. I saw the highlights and was just in awe with Aaron Rodgers. Green Bay made the right decision in getting rid of Brett Favre, because Mr. Rodgers can play.

This week is Ravens/Colts, Cardinals/Saints, Jets/Chargers, and Cowboys/Vikings. Before the games are played I'll give a keys to victory or a who I think will win.

PS3 News

In about two months time (give or take) Gran Turismo 5 will finally be released. This is another game that made me get a PS3 although it would be YEARS before it would eventually be released.

You probably seen on PSN I was playing a game called Peggle. It is addictive and totally worth the $10. You can also play it for free on your PC on The best way to describe Peggle is the game Plinko on the Price is Right. When you clear the board, you get to hear Ode to Joy and it gives you that sense of accomplishment.

My PS3 almost died on me last Saturday. It had overheated while I was playing Batman: Arkham Asylum. This was the same thing that happened to my O.G. PS3. The only thing I did different was NOT to play it when it got too hot. One of my PSN friends said I might have the Yellow Light of Death coming soon. I'm being extra cautious for the next couple of days until I know it's working right.

It's time for me to check out some Fight Night Live on Spike. So, I'll check in with my loyal readers next time.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Games of the Year Plus 10 Games for 2010

  1. First, let me be the last person to wish everyone a Happy New Year, hope everyone's been safe and enjoying their time with family. With a New Year it gives us a chance to reflect on the year that was and the things we enjoyed. In my case, I've got a little housekeeping to take care of from '08 and then '09.

Typically when I blog, I'm writing with first hand accounts of everything. Today's gonna be different. For most topics it'll be my Mr. Kennedy persona. For topics that are tough, I'm bring two of my other online aliases 36PSWii from Gametrailers and EHeroClayman from Youtube to settle some debates once and for all. Think of it as the multiple personalities of one guy. Here's a couple of topics from '08 that must be taken care of.

2008 Game of the Year

*To separate my different handles, I'll be typing with the standard font, 36PSWii has italic font, and EHeroClayman has bold font.* There was only two games that could be classified as '08 GotY. In April 08, GTA4 was released. A few months later MGS4 was released. Both games got tons of 10/10's, tons of hype and fanfare, and many awards. Today will 'unofficially' settle the debate of '08: GTA4 vs. MGS4.

36PSWii: MGS4 was by far the best game of '08. It was the SOLE reason why I bought a PS3. Originally it was supposed to be out in '07 but something called Halo 3 pushed the release back a few months. Needless to say, if you weren't a MGS fan, then you wanted to play GTA4. I loved GTA:San Andreas, but by that point what more could you do in a sandbox game. GTA4 had great graphics but they didn't push the limits of the PS3. MGS4 pushed the limits of the PS3 (at the time) and it looked magnificent. Add to the fact, this was the 'last' MGS title with Solid Snake as the main character, memorable boss battles, and the 'conclusion' of the loose ends the other MGS' created and there's my GotY.

EHeroClayman: Let the record show that I'm a big fan of MGS (obviously), however GTA4 was something fresh that the gaming industry needed. Rockstar games always pushes the medium of video games to spark controversy (whether intended of unintended). The thing that surprised me about GTA4 was playing as a non-American. Typically most video game lead characters are white American males. The exceptions to the rule were Carl Johnson and Niko Bellic both from GTA games. GTA had something MGS was missing and that was realism. Add to it multiplayer (which MGS also has) and characters that you genuinely cared about (everyone except Michelle/Karen and Dmitri) and you've got my game of the year. Too bad PS3 doesn't have the Xbox exclusive DLC, because I want to find out some major plot points.

Kennedy: Since I'm the deciding vote, I'm giving it to MGS4. Simply put, if you own a PS3 and you haven't play this game, you're missing out on what video games do to a person. Everything in MGS4 is memorable even the mandatory installs during the missions. The only thing GTA4 has on MGS is trophies, but you didn't play MGS for the trophies. You played to see how in the world Hideo Kojima was going the bring the series to an end with all those loose ends. Some were clarified, others could have been explained better. Whatever the case MGS4 is the 2008 GotY.

Guitar Hero Vs Rock Band

This debate has been going on for the past 2 years, with no 'clear' winner in sight. Again here's my take on it from 2 differing points of view.

EHeroClayman: I loved the Guitar Hero franchise, but when Rock Band was released I knew that it was a potential great franchise. GH oversaturated itself over the span of 2 years. In those same 2 years, RB has released 1 main game, two spinoffs, and of course the 'optional' track packs for those who don't have internet. This model I can support, GH's model is destined to fail and I'm glad I jumped ship as fast as I could.

36PSWii: GH's franchise will not die. As long as there's DLC GH will still exist. People will still flock to GH because it's the 'established' brand. Playing as the Beatles is cool and having Lego versions of yourself is fine, but I like seeing an exaggerated version of me on stage playing some Ozzy, Sting, and Zakk Wylde. GH for the win!!!

As you can tell PSWii's argument falls flat on all merits. Rock Band wins by default because of two things. One, Harmonix, the original creators of Guitar Hero, know about music and their charts are similar to actual guitar. Two, as long as music exist RB's model will continue to be supported by people such as myself. The one thing GH has over RB is superior instruments.

Now here's the 2009 Awards. Some categories will have nominees, some won't. I'll be taking over the duties for the majority of the awards until the '09 GotY. No pictures of the game covers, because I'm lazy.

  • Battlefield: Bad Company 2
  • ModNation Racers
  • MAG
The winner by no one's surprise is BFBC2. That was the primary beta that I was playing. MAG was okay (256 players is nothing to scoff at), and ModNation still has some work to do before it becomes a Mario Kart killer. The beta of BFBC2 is probably better than MW2 and the full game is coming in March, so get your copies reserved at Amazon and Gamestop so you can have an advantage.

Best Sports Game
  • Fifa 10
  • UFC Undisputed
  • Fight Night Round 4
  • MLB 09 : The Show

The winner is Fifa 10. If you don't like soccer, this game will make you appreciate the skill that it takes to play it. Past Fifa's were good, but this one is quite possibly the best one. I played the Show on PS2 and I can say the PS3 version is miles better than it. Fight Night and UFC have brought back some much needed competition in the sport of competitive fighting. If you're to get one sports game this year (before baseball season starts,) get Fifa 10. Plus it helps that the demo is awesome and you can save replays to EA's server.

Best Rhythm Game
  • DJ Hero
  • Guitar Hero: Metallica
  • The Beatles: Rock Band
  • Lego Rock Band
Two band centered games a cool and plus it never gets old playing Lego games, well until they release a Lego game on a franchise I know nothing about. But DJ Hero is the clear winner. Here's a sample of the mash-ups in game.

The only thing that's stopping me from getting DJ Hero (outside of a job) is the $120 price tag. Other than that, DJ Hero wins Rhythm GotY.

Surprisingly Good Game
  • Batman: Arkham Asylum
  • Guitar Hero: Metallica
  • Assassin's Creed 2
  • X-Men Origins: Wolverine

GH:M was definitely a contender to win this award. I heard good things about AC2, but I've still got the terrible taste of AC1 in my brain. I will eventually get to playing AC2 in '10. Same with Wolverine. But the winner is Batman: Arkham Asylum. AA did something that hasn't been done since the NES days, make a great Batman game. Hats off to Rocksteady games for doing the impossible.

Disappointment of the Year
  • Resident Evil 5
  • Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

I was pissed off at MW2, frankly I don't even care to play the game with BFBC2 around the corner. Instead, my rage is on RE5. All the team at Capcom had to do was make RE4 in high-def, add Chris, and make it 10 times darker and creepier. Instead RE5 wants you to play co-op and buy stuff that should have been free on disc. RE5 is collecting dust in game shelves and I won't buy it. If RE5: Alternate Edition is rated better than RE5, then I'll pick it up. If not I'll avoid it.

PS3 Game That Should Be on Hard Drive

Flower. The best way to describe Flower, is a free flowing version of Pac-Man. Instead of controlling the flower petal with a joystick, it uses Sixaxis Motion Control. It's a carefree type of game and it has trophies to boot. I bought it at $5 during the Thanksgiving sale and it's absolutely worth every penny (now Flower is back at its normal price of $10).

Best RPG

Demon Souls. One word to describe it, HARD. You will die and die a lot. It's an old-school RPG and I'm an old-school gamer. I need to get to a store and buy it. Plus, I've heard nothing but good things about it (way back in February).

Developer of the Year

If this was done before Christmas, it was Naughty Dog hands down. Instead, Rocksteady games gets the nod for *AGAIN* doing the impossible: Making a GREAT Batman game. This game company gets a ton of kudos from me.

  • Shatter
  • Peggle
  • Flower
  • Pixel Junk: Shooter
You can play Peggle for free on your PC, and it's addictive. Shatter is Arkanoid with a modern day facelift. Any Pixel Junk game becomes addictive. However, the winner is Flower. It's so simple even a caveman can play it. All four gain my seal of approval of must buy games on PSN, along with Super Stardust HD.

Best Graphics

  • Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
  • Batman : Arkham Asylum
  • Madden NFL 10
What?! Madden is the best graphics category?!! Madden despite its flaws in gameplay is a gorgeous game in HD. B:AA is pretty impressive, but UC2 is the winner. Two Words: Train Sequence. That plus some crazy snow textures and faces that get damaged over time (something B:AA has as well) gives UC2 my best graphics. Playing UC2 in standard def (something I don't recommend if you can avoid it), doesn't put into words how much Naughty Dog has improved their game engine in a span of 2 years.

Retro Game Collection of the Year

It has to go to Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection. 40 games for $20, it's a steal of a deal. This game was on my radar when my PS3 was broke and I wanted it pretty bad. Sure you could pirate these games (some you won't be able to get because of DMCA), but that takes the fun out of some game. SUGC is a glorified emulated Genesis (or Mega Drive) with a handful of games missing (Gunstar Heroes and Outrun), but for the most part if you grew up playing Genesis games it should be in your collection.

And finally the Big Daddy, the Game of the Year.

Game of the Year
  • Batman: Arkham Asylum
  • Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
  • Assassin's Creed 2
  • Killzone 2
  • Modern Warfare 2
Out of the nominees, only two did I think highly of. In a rare case of me changing my mind at the last moment, I award my Game of the Year to both Batman: Arkham Asylum and Uncharted 2: Among Thieves.

Uncharted gives you the best value for your gameplay. It's 50 bucks as I type and it's rare to see a single player driven game have a pretty good multiplayer. What I mean is, UC is a single player game, the MP is a bonus feature and a good bonus feature to boot.

Batman's game is exactly how you want a Superhero game to be. Get to face (hear and see) some of the rogues gallery. Using his gadgets to get across areas and use them in combat scenarios. Most importantly, the developers were fans of Batman and anytime a fan gets a hold to something they hold dear, chances are it's going to be good. I wish I could drive the Batmobile or fly the Batwing, but that's what sequels are for.

That's what I think of 2009's games hopefully 2010 and beyond will be equally as impressive. Speaking of 2010 games, here's that list of 10 games (on PS3) and little description on why you should keep an eye on them.

  • Heavy Rain: I was a fan of Quantic Dream's Indigo Prophecy (one of my underrated PS2 titles). The moment they announced it, I knew it was going to be good. If you want to know how Heavy Rain's going to be, I suggest picking up a copy of Indigo Prophecy and playing it on your PS2, because BC PS3's can't emulated it right.

  • God of War 3: Huge fan of the first 2 God of War games. Gonna get 3 because of the first two and plus I want to know how the story ends. Similar to the reason why I wanted MGS4.

  • Gran Turismo 5: Die-Hard GT fan. People are waiting for Polyphony Digital to release the game. The release says March of this year, wouldn't be surprised if it's pushed back to the summer. Polyphony is notorious for game delays because they want their games to be perfect (i.e. no patches needed).

  • Battlefield: Bad Company 2 : Two words: Destructible Environments.

  • MLB 10: The Show : I'm a die-hard baseball fan. Missed Sony San Diego's 09 The Show on PS3. I did buy it on PS2, so they did get my hard earned cash. One of the best exclusive games on PS3, even if you don't like baseball.

  • Dante's Inferno : Normally, I wouldn't recommend a game similar to God of War, but this clone seems pretty good. I've got a sneaky suspicion that some of the dev team on DI have worked on GoW or may have been fans of it. Either way, PS3 is gonna have some brutal games.

  • ModNation Racers : I mentioned in the blog MNR, needs a lot of work. I'm beta testing it, not as much as BFBC2, but I believe MNR has a ton of potential. If framerate issues can be fixed and course editing is even easier, watch out Mario Kart.

  • 3D Dot Heroes : It's an Atlus RPG, it's quirky, and it's $40 when it's released in May. Plus Link from Legend of Zelda makes an appearance, so it's full of win.

  • White Knight Chronicles International : WKC was supposed to be out right around the release of Uncharted 1, instead the Japanese have it and we're getting that version plus a few things extra. The game's made by Level-5, a team who's used to making great RPG's. Some of their works include Dark Cloud 1 & 2, Rouge Galaxy (another sleeper PS2 title), and Dragon Quest VIII (the best RPG released on PS2).

  • Final Fantasy 13 : The king of RPG's is finally coming after numerous delays, a multi-platform announcement, a death of my PS3. The only reason why it's on my list is because of it's weight in the industry.
These are my 10 for '10. Out of the blue, another title may come up and replace one of these on the list (like Mass Effect 2). Have a safe week and remember: '10 maybe the third year in a row that PS3 is the top dog.